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I'm late... the strip isn't even made, and I don't even know how the story will go on....
I should write the story, draw it. It will certainly take like 6 or 7 panel with no copy-paste possibility like the last one.
Ctrl+Z ready
Or I could watch a "Lost".
Dead Sala Day

Chui en retard... Le strip n'est pas fait, et je ne sais même pas quoi faire après...
Je devrai écrire la suite et la dessiner. Ca va certainement prendre 6 ou 7 cases, sans possibilité de copier-coller, comme le précédent.
Ctrl+Z prêt
Ou je pourrais regarder un "Lost".
Dead Sala Day

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2005-08-31 01:38:49

* Salagir


I've been watching this series (not on TV) and it's the main reason I'm late for my strips... It's interesting, but still uses too much cliché in my opinion.
In order to not let the plot move on, the character do stupid things like not asking the witnesses anything, not going back on the place they found clues, don't tell them to others, and kill the guys who know things for no (good) reason.... grrr.

On the other hand, I'm also watching Wonderfalls (not on TV 'cause the series is good and like all good series was abandonned because stupid people watch Smallville and reality TV and like it). I can't really describe it to you.
Let's just say it's very good. The main character hears voices... coming out from animal shaped toys, teddy bears, a wax lion or a cow creamer. These voices will tell her to do things, and won't stop bothering as long as she don't obey. Theses things usually triggers a series of events leading to happy events... or not? Just have a pancake... Muuuh

Sasan Eyes

Still talking about my life...
So I just read the last volume of 3x3 Eyes, a manga that I began years ago. It began as a very good manga, but as volumes followed, stories went longer and longer... The last 10 volumes were like a torture considering I wanted to know the end, and also buy them, because well, I was so close from the end. Each volume is about the double of the size of a regular manga, and they are 40 of them.
Ending such a long story is.. weird. Of course it had to finish, and the end is not really surprising. I mean, how could it be, after so many developpements? Let the world not be saved? Who've bet on the other side, hu? ;)
Still, Yakumo, the immortal Wu who learns cool fighting techniques, and wears a cool thing on his arm, that I don't really know what it is but totally stoled it for Black Ninja, and Benares, the immortal Wu, who's cooler than Alucard (from Hellsing) himself and got a totally awsome dragon shape... I see them again in my mind, fighting each other again and again (being both immortals, they had maaaaaany encouters, and each time... survived both ;p). And Pai, being stupid and Sanjiyan Unkara Pavarti, being stuborn.
I should not read Blue Seed (same author) that would certainly kill me!

Readers comments:

2005-09-02 02:34:00


Je comprends pas ce que tu as dis, alors je dirais juste que je suis d'accord avec toi, t'as le droit d'être en retard a cause de Lost :)
2005-09-02 03:57:31


Hey hey sala, c'est pas grave, tu n'as aucun compte à rendre à tes fans. :)
Et puis hein si c'est pour regarder Lost ça va. ^^

Dis moi, tu ressemble vraiment à ce que tu as dessiné ? :)

Salagir's answer:

J'ai oublié de dessiner mes lunettes !
Strip commencé à minuit moins deux, uploadé à minuit 18, j'ai jamais fais de strip aussi vite de ma vie !
2005-09-02 09:21:38


il le sais qu'il a aucun compte a rendre sinon il l'aurai aps dit comme ca :) t'as quand emme pris la peine de griffoné un truc c'est bien deja :) ^^
2005-09-02 10:27:52


Sala tu nous laisses tomber, honte sur toi ! :))
2005-09-02 11:38:33


honte à toi pour ta punition tu nous fera trois strips supplémentaires en mettant les consonnes en rouge et les voyelles en vert. de plus tu nous offre mike à poil et ne sois pas radin
2005-09-02 11:42:24


I think we should help Salagir !
We will help him by giving ideas for the next strip.

My idea :
The angel come save the ninja and the inspector. The inspector will be in debt and therefore will stop his inspection.

(I did not say that ideas have to be good...)
2005-09-02 11:53:37


Ohlala, le mal rasé...
2005-09-03 22:50:27

Marketing Boy

Faudra que tu penses à nous faire partager tes épisodes de Lost ^^
2005-09-04 12:41:35


Ninjas don't take help! ninjas are N1nj4s!! they are dangerous! they will kill you! N1nj4 power!!
2005-09-04 12:45:44


Celelibi: Dans la réalité il est quand même plus beau. Par contre côté pilosité c'est à peu près ça!!!!

Bon Sala ça va pas du tout ça. Tu me sembles démotivé ces temps ci. Que peut on faire pour te redonner du coeur à l'ouvrage?
2005-09-05 12:54:29



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