![Page 148 - Clone Wars Special (2005-05-27) - Page 124 of Geek's World [ da page ]](pages/148.jpg)
Today, my comments on the animated series of Star Wars...
Anakin is still an ass.
Guuue eaaah!!!
Yoda Frowns. A lot.
Problematic, this is.
Attacked, we are.
Cold, this soup is.
Mace rocks. He could take Goku
I'm not even watching.
Don't try this at home kids!
I bet that silly chosen one can't do that.
Was that scissors or paper? You're soooo cheating with your 3-fingered hand, Yoda!
Aujourd'hui, mes commentaires sur la série animée de Star Wars
Anakin est toujours con.
Guuue eaaah!!!
Yoda fronce les sourcils.
Problématique cela est.
Attaqués nous sommes.
Froide, cette soupe est.
Mace rocks. Il battrait Goku
Je ne regarde même pas.
N'essayez pas de faire pareil chez vous.
J'parie que ce crétin d'élu ne peut pas faire ça.
Papier !
Ciseaux !
C'était ciseaux ou papier ? Tu triches comme un porc avec ta main à trois doigts, Yoda !
Readers comments:
Dans les sous titres en français que j'ai pu lire, Jedi n'a jamais pris d'"S" au pluriel comme on aurait pu s'y attendre dans "le conseil des Jedi".
Le pouvoir de la force sans doute :p
Excellent strip Salagir, bravo !
j'adore :)
or card games, even tv?
visit my online shop www.geekystuff.net
p.s i just made it so it's quite limited
Même si Végéta est ultra-puissant, il suffit pour Dark Vador d'invoquer la Force et de commencer à l'étrangler de loin, et rien contre cette attaque le prince Sayan ne peux faire :)
PS : Un Troll est caché dans ce message, sauras-tu le trouver ?
Bon sinon question: pourquoi Sala tu dis Darth Vador et que nous on dit Dark Vador. Tu vas ne pas me dire qu'ils ont trouvé le moyen de traduire son nom quand même.
P.S.: ton "DVD officiel", tu peux aussi dire que tu l'as enregistré à la télé puisque c'est passé l'autre soir!
Et plusieurs noms sont "traduits", d'ailleurs.
Excellol ce strip ^^ (Mein gott je deviens kikollol!)
Reader (lol)
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I saw all Clone Wars yesterday and Star Wars 3 now. So I didn't have time to do a strip. Luckily, I had ideas for some parody about the anime, and editing the images of my
divx^H^H original dvds was quite fast.Qui-gon is my avatar today. In the whole series, he is the only human that don't look like nothing. He appears like 5 seconds, so I guess the animators thought it was okay to draw him well, for such a short time.
What about Clone Wars ? Very very good cartoon. You really must see it before seeing the episode 3. What about the episode 3? Much better than the two others, the very very loosy scenes from eps 1 and 2 were almost absent here. So was Jar Jar (yaaay!).
Of course Mace wouldn't take Goku. That's a troll (or a yaoi hentai, as you wish). On the usenet newsgroup alt.fan.dragonball many trolls were about the DBZ team strengh comparred to characters from others series, like Superman.
In the Darth Vador VS Gokuu debate, my favorite quote is (from memory) :
- Goku can destroy a whole planet.
- The ability to destroy a planet is nothing comparred to the power of the force ;)