![Page 147 - Looking for a cute mascot 7 (2005-05-25) - Page 123 of Geek's World [ da page ]](pages/147.png)
What did you bring Dick?
A raptor !!
Argh it's attacking!
Argh my hand! My hand!!
Run Away!
It's eating me! Pain! Pain!
You must not move, it... no, that's for T-rexes
Call Black Ninja!!
*ding* Hello. You are on Black Ninja's answering machine. I'm currently busy fighting evil and/or taking levels at DAOC. Please leave a (coded) message.
Blood! Blood!
My harm! My leg! My head! I'll never see again!
Firefox! Change into a Panda and fight the raptor!
Go Firefox!
Yaay the dinosaure is killed!
Man, what a crazy adventure it was!
And there was much rejoicing.
Hu guys? I'm still dying.
Oups. I'll go fetch your arm.
Hi! I'm U.G. appearing and I'll heal you magically!
Oh, Mike, that was so exciting! I can tell you now: I love you.
No. Ha ha ha that's the 5th time you fall into this one this week!
I'm sleeping more than you are.
No you don't.
QU'as-tu amené, Dick ?
Un raptor !!
Argh il attaque !
Argh ma main ! Ma main !!
Run Away !
Il me mange ! J'ai mal ! J'ai mal !
Faut pas bouger, il... ah non, ça c'est pour les T-rexs
Appelez Black Ninja!!
*ding* Bonjour. Vous êtes bien sur le répondeur de Black Ninja. Je suis actuellement en train de combattre le mal et/ou de prendre du level à DAOC, veuillez laisser un message (codé).
Du sang ! Du sang !
Mon bras ! Ma jambe ! Ma tête ! Je suis aveugle !
Firefox ! Change toi en Panda et combat ce raptor !
Rooar !
Grrrr !
Allez Firefox !
Arrgh !
Ouais le dinosaure est tué !
Et ben, c'était une incroyable aventure !
"And there was much rejoicing."
Heu les gars ? Je suis en train de mourir.
Oups. J'vais chercher ton bras.
C'est moi, U.G., et je vais vous soigner magiquement !
Yaaaay !
Oh, Mike, c'était si intense ! Je peux te le dire maintenant: je t'aime.
C'est vrai ?
Nan. Ha ha ha c'est la 5eme fois que tu te fais avoir cette semaine !
Je dors plus que toi.
Trop pas.
Readers comments:
Salagir's answer:
^_^ Note he posted that before I posted my strip, I've been a little late ;pPère Vert
Salagir's answer:
Ah ah ! (sourire triomphal) Vois tu, il y a deux types de paresseux, et je ne rigole pas, l'un a 2 griffes, l'autre en a 3.tictac
geek, fille de geek, et femme de geek (sisi ça existe).
Salagir's answer:
Je sais pas trop pourquoi, dans ma tête c'est Mike qui se fait bouffer, mais en fait, cela n'a aucune importance.Kaarchin
exelent strip =D

Text processing:
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Usual BBcode works too: [b][/b], [i][/i] and [u][/u].
If you type a url or e-mail directly, it'll be made as a link. If you want to make a link around text different than the url, use [url=thelink]the text[/url], like in phpBB.
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At first, I wanted to do only 4 panels with no text except for the 2 lasts lines, but I begin to think at something that could happen in the background, and... well, I just couldn't stop.
The PEZ on the left... I have it somewhere in my house ^_^l
As you can see, I changed a little the online comics links on the left. Sorry about it, Piro, but Megatokyo is gone. It's became... too shojo for me ;p. VGcats is in, I talked to you about it before... It's... too crazy. Too good.