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I'm sorry Dick, I love him and I should never have flirted with you. I think we shouldn't see each other again. OK?
I don't want to break your couple, Sonia. Good luck and farewell.
That is why I like to hit on taken girls.

Je suis désolée Dick, je l'aime et je n'aurai jamais dû flirter avec toi. Je pense qu'on ne devrait plus se voir, OK?
Je ne veux pas casser votre couple, Sonia. Alors adieu et bonne chance.
Voilà pourquoi je drague les filles prises.

Perdu dans l'histoire en cours ? Allez au début de "La drague selon Dick"
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2005-01-01 16:47:10

* Salagir

This puts the end to the (surely) most romantic love story ever written.
Damn, I need to draw the next strips!

New super feature

I spent lots of time not drawing (;p) to make this one: the search engine (link "search a strip"). With this, you can find strips by the content of their dialogues!
I had to code a photoshop text extractor to do this.. I'll release it somewhere, it may be useful.
And you can also put this feature in your search engine list !!!! (if you're using mozilla or firefox, there is a search engine list on the upper-right corner of the browser, with google, yahoo, etc. and you can type and search directly through it) Isn't it wonderfull and 100% geeky?

Quote of the day

While I was coming back from work, in the subway, 3 young guys took a bad turn and were in a one-way corridor.
One of them said: "Hey we're in the wrong direction!"
Another answered: "We will win some boost!"

Of course, to understand the crazyness of this line, we must have played Burnout 3: Takedown.

Readers comments:

2005-01-03 00:42:17


Quel pervers !!! Méthode à retenir :-)

Un père vert.
2005-01-03 01:15:52


What a nice feature ! :-)
2005-01-03 01:24:24


I speak about the search a strip feature of course!.. :O
2005-01-03 11:03:16


huhu le b@t@rd xD
2005-01-03 16:17:44


Il a le style. C'est tout.
2005-01-03 20:17:21


2005-01-03 20:59:40


petit malin va !!!
2005-01-03 21:36:32


This guy is soo... a guy..
2005-01-04 11:37:46


2005-01-04 16:40:01

what you wanna say

What you wana say.
2005-01-04 20:02:57


This guy is soo... a guy.." lol , et oui les filles on est tous les mêmes ^^ , sauf moi qui suis différent , mon numero de tel sur demande ^^
2005-01-05 00:33:47


Sala c'est pas crédible ton truc. Un informaticien, de base, il a déjà du mal à se trouver une copine, alors piquer celle d'un autre...... :-P
Conclusion: ARRETEZ DE FANTASMER!!!!!!
2005-01-11 01:03:31


hahaha les trop fort :p
2005-01-11 01:44:24


Dick n'est pas un informaticien de base: c'est juste un psychopathe future dictateur du monde. Comme nous tous. GNAAAAAAAARK (bruit de camisole qui se détache)
2005-02-05 16:44:18

You're nick!

no i'm not Nick!
2006-01-24 17:58:59


Oh, that's clever.

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