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G.A.R. was deeply hurt but still lives.
We're invincible!
I have a plan D!
We're going quite far in the alphabet just for plans, aren't we?
I will call the White House and tell them his company is full of terrorists. They have beards, they look weird, they will be arrested for su...
Hold on I have a call.
GAR, I want to negotiate with you. I have a plan that will content us both.
Err, yes... can WE call it plan E?

G.A.R. fut frappe au vif mais tient toujours!.
On est invincible!
J'ai un plan D!
On va un peu loin dans l'alphabet juste pour des noms de plan, non ?
Je vais appeler la Maison Blanche et leur dire que sa boite est pleine de terroristes. Ils sont etranges et barbus, ils seront arretes pour sur...
Un instant j'ai un appel.
GAR, je veux negocier avec vous. J'ai un plan qui devrait vous plaire.
Heu... OK... On peut l'appeler le plan E ?

Perdu dans l'histoire en cours ? Allez au début de "DAOC : /Gamers Anti Ray/ attaque"
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2004-11-21 21:30:29

* Salagir

edit : what follows is not an explanation of the strip
The concept of punchline is something quite weird. It doesn't work if not used at the good time and place. For example this strip could have been made several ways:
- I could have finished the strip on the terrorist sentence. But I didn't and so if you thought it was funny, could have smiled. But if it was in the last panel, you would have smiled more. Before the last panel, your brain isn't really prepared to laugh.
- I could have ended it on Ray saying he wants to negotiate. But should have made another panel with the GAR #01 all disturbed because his plan certainly won't be necessary.
- Or if I had many more panels (or made 2 strips by using the first idea of this list), I could have drawn GAR saying "..." or "err..." to Ray's sentence and then another panel with #01 saying "Can we call it plan E?". The effect would have been stronger than the way it is now.

You can see that they are 3 possible punchlines in this strip. I used them all and certainly the effect of this strip is lower than the effect theses 3 would have done, separately.
Interesting, isn't it?

[edit] I could also have used the first panel as a punchline. Like, begining with 3 panels with Ray and others talking about GAR and saying they must have abandonned by now, and for 4th panel, the current 1st panel. But that'd be cheap. I prefer as it is now [/edit]

Readers comments:

2004-11-22 14:47:12


2004-11-22 16:53:24


2004-11-23 13:02:12


c koi svieu site :x
2009-11-16 19:59:00


dingue, la GAR est sur écoute!

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