![Page 284 - Donut's Inquisition 1 (2006-04-10) - Page 232 of Geek's World [ da page ]](pages/284.png)
Where were you the 2nd of august 2004?
At home behind my computer.
Where were you the 9th of october 2002?
At home behind my computer.
Where were you the 25th of march 2000?
At home behind my computer.
Where were you the 11th of may 1998?
In the White House. I was called by president Clinton to work on a secret mission to save dolphins from extinction due to French nuclear tests.
What? You lie!
Of course! I was at home behind my fucking computer!
Où étais-tu le 2 août en 2004 ?
Chez moi derrière mon ordi.
Où étais-tu le 9 octobre en 2002 ?
Chez moi derrière mon ordi.
Où étais-tu le 25 mars en 2000 ?
Chez moi derrière mon ordi.
Où étais-tu le 11 mai en 1998 ?
A la Maison Blanche. J'étais appelé par le président Clinton pour travailler sur une mission secrète pour empêcher l'extinction des dauphins à cause des essais nucléaires.
Quoi ? Tu mens !
Ben oui ! J'étais chez moi... derrière mon putain d'ordi !
Readers comments:
Tro|| du jour
P.s. on ecrit pas H4k3R mais h4x0r.
ex: |33t h4x0r 734]V[ rU|3z !!!
Sala: son put'1 d'ordi???? C'est pas normal un h4x0r qui dénigre son ordi
(ça sesoigne vous etes surs?)
F4!54!7 10]\[73]V[|°5 ^^
Hotus> nan c'est évolutif aggravant
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I had many many differents scenarios for his story. In kinda dropped them all because they were maybe interesting or suspensful, but not fun. As I just finished a long non-fun story and going directly to this one, let's make this police interrogation a fun one ;)
Links of the day
This time, I begin a proper way to give you all my favorites webcomics without forgeting any : by alphabetical order!To begin with, I must warn you : I never read strips day by day. I read them by paquets of 30. This make the ones with continuity much much more readable.
3 Finger Salute. 1/5. This strip has really no interest, except for this one from the archives
9 Chickweed Lane Never talked about it yet? One of my favorites. 5/5 on this one. The author draws VERY well (when he wants), and directly on graphic tablet ;) I love the humor and the characters. We also have a big part of cat strips that are hilarious, non-sense theories from Thorax, sarcasm from granny and reverend mother, joy and love from others.
You have all the archives, big resolution but bad greyscales and without the Sundays here and only the 30 latests, small def with good greyscales and colored sundays here
Angst Technology oh yes I talked about this one. Closed for a long time, the archives are online again! But no updates. Anyway that's still a must-read. 4/5. Geek and gamer humor, some puns and decent art.
On the author's site
Apple Geeks astonishing art, little geeky-university humor. Sometime real crazy, especially in Apple stores ;) 4/5
The website
Arlo and Janis Oh I know I've linked to it, more than once! Why do I love this comic, why? The cat strips? Do they recall me my parents? In any case, 5/5.
the lasts 30 and the author's blog with old cartoons
"A"s done. That'd be all for today.