In order to be more occuratly indexed, the texts of the strip are written in this hidden div.
Readers comments:
2021-12-09 22:56:36
Miaou! (prem / first)
2022-01-05 17:40:23
Ceci m'apparaît être tout à fait conceptuel ma foi, et somme toute plutôt intéressant. Accessoirement, il y a bien moins travaillé qui se vend pour très très cher.
Text processing:
Add *, / or _ around some text, and it'll format it *bold*, /italic/ or _underlined_.
Usual BBcode works too: [b][/b], [i][/i] and [u][/u].
If you type a url or e-mail directly, it'll be made as a link. If you want to make a link around text different than the url, use [url=thelink]the text[/url], like in phpBB.
To show an image, use [img]url_of_image[/img]. This image must be uploaded on another site already.
If you begin your line with >, the color will be different, use it to quote other messages.
You will be able to edit your messages for a limited time.