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No place like
Mike! Come see this!
I've got a mail from something named "Ultimate Goodness".
It's certainly spam.
But look at the signature!
Oh my god! Only 4 lines, and it's like all Goodness on earth is in it!

No place like
Mike ! Viens voir ca !
Quoi ?
J'ai un mail de "Ultimate Goodness, Dieu du Bien".
C'est pas un spam ?
Mais regarde la signature!
Whaow, juste 4 lignes, et c'est comme si tout le Bien du monde était là!
Tu vois?

New in the storyline? Get to the beginning of "Meeting Ultimate Goodness"
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2004-08-09 05:27:20

* Salagir

I see the naked girl thing doesn't work, so, here is now: get me tons of visitors, and you will win free Gamecubes, free PS2, but no X-Box ;p

Readers comments:

2004-08-25 22:40:56


Pleeeeease ! Free the naked girl !

Salagir's answer:

Sorry! Not enough readers anyway ;)
2006-01-08 08:50:45

Fu(* me

are you real man? i mean the ps2's and gamecubes?

Salagir's answer:

About something a year and third old ? Yeah, sure no pb :p
2007-12-11 20:00:10


errr wow dude GC an ps2 are like 4 years old now lol

Salagir's answer:

I was talking about the age of the strip.
2010-10-18 01:09:57


hum...il n'y aurais pas des grands anciens à la Lovecraft par hasard? Dsl un peu en dehors du sujet, n'empêche j'aurais bien aimé voir cette fameuse signature, tout le bien du monde en 4 lignes....
2018-01-30 23:35:48


He just went through the description of an actual computer from 2018.

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