![Page 233 - Winter is coming (2005-12-12) - Page 192 of Geek's World [ da page ]](pages/233.png)
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Hello all...
It's winter. Our little Firefox gathers a lot of energy.
Bom Bom
Salut à tous...
C'est l'hiver. Notre petit Firefox cumule plein d'énergie.
Bom Bom
New in the storyline? Get to the beginning of "Underground guys"
Readers comments:
2005-12-12 01:10:19
Le T-shirt de Ray est en vente qqpart ? Ca m'intéresse grave
2005-12-12 14:53:29
Tien, première case, je trouves que Ray à le bras un peu tordu. (mais en fait on s'en fout un peu)
Sinon, pareil j'aime bien son T-shirt.
ps : voilà, y'en a qui se plaignaient de plus voir assez le firefox, bah le voilà en gros plan. :p
Sinon, pareil j'aime bien son T-shirt.
ps : voilà, y'en a qui se plaignaient de plus voir assez le firefox, bah le voilà en gros plan. :p
2005-12-12 17:22:26
Salagir > si tu voulais me faire un hommage avec la première case de Ray, c'est raté : c'est la jambe que je me suis cassé, pas le bras ;p
PS : pareil, je veux son tee-shirt
PS : pareil, je veux son tee-shirt
2005-12-12 21:32:49
Moi je veux pas le T shirt mais le firefox ^^
2005-12-13 02:34:09
need le T-shirt avec le Firefox dans le dos :D
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Shigeru Miyamoto is the father of video games. You owe him the Marios, the Donkey Kong, and of course... Z E L D A !!
So the Xbox came out. When Microsoft talked about that, I was laughing like everyone else, especially at the fakes with the xbox making blue screens of the TV. Now I see the goods of it. I mean, when it's hacked. So I could play games for free (even simpler than a Playstation, you don't have to burn anything, anyway I neved played Playstation [*]), and especially use the neo geo and supernintendo emulators ! Yeahhh !
So I went all : http://www.vgcats.com/comics/?strip_id=37
(I tell you, when I'll be a grown-up, I'll be the vgcats artist. I'll go back in time, kill him, and draw his strip. Maybe it already happened...)
[*] I heard of this weird concept of memory card for the first time with the Game Cube. Before that, I was like Gon discovering Greed Island. Which also explain why I didn't understand a thing on this part of the manga at the time.
What are the goods of the Xbox ? Because except for Soul Calibur that is on every console (and THANKS the editor for that! I hate it they didn't do it for SC3) I didn't play any game on that... only emulation games. So anyway that's just a PC pluged to the TV and controllers. A cheap PC. But I already got a PC. Just need the controllers.
Now about this weird controller, well I now trust Nintendo are its weird choices (I really though this 2 screen things would sink like the titanic) I'm almost interested enough to buy the Revolution. Maybe ;p
It sounds like this remode can really do everything. Of course, it still is kinda weird. I wait and see...