![Page 153 - Looking for a cute mascot 11 - last readers suggestions 1/2 (2005-06-08) - Page 128 of Geek's World [ da page ]](pages/153.png)
Readers' suggestions Final Part 1/2
A Seychelles Giant Tortoise by Marie, Epona by 13kill, a pink elephant by Tictac, a Monchichi by Kiki, a pig by Père Vert, a mattress from the Squornshellous Zeta planet by Phyzz and a hamster, by Hamster. Including a tribute to "The Real Legend of Zelda", by Jerry and Neko.
How did they get into the elevator?
Readers' suggestions Final Part 1/2
Une tortue géante des Seychelles par marie, Epona par 13kill, Un éléphant rose par Tictac, un Kiki par Kiki, un cochon par Père Vert, un matelas de la planète Squornshellous Zeta par Phyzz et un hamster, par Hamster. Inclu, un hommage à "The Real Legend of Zelda", par Jerry & Neko.
Comment ils sont rentrés dans l'ascenseur?
Readers comments:
really strange one ;)
Père Vert
En voila qui a tout compris aux plaisirs de la vie : geekisme, alcoolisme, bouffe (moi, le cochon, je le mange), et cochoncetés !
Salagir's answer:
Trop tard les suggestions :)Tryum
Sala t'es banni des prochains rezos !!!!
Salagir's answer:
Et 1/2 ca veut dire quoi à ton avis ?Comme si j'étais déjà allé dans un de tes rézos pourris :)
Père Vert
Haures Dracochywa
Salagir's answer:
C'est parce que je n'ai pas cherché à dessiner cette tortue spécifiquement.phyzz
Thanks Sala for the mattress from the planet Squornshellous Zeta, I always wanted to see one since I read "Life, the Universe and Everything" (Douglas Adams, the famous inaccurately named trilogy in five volumes and a half). Douggie never described them very thoroughly, so I was a bit lost in the mists (which are thick and permanent on that particular planet). THANKS again.
In english : Where the fuck is Kirby ?
Salagir's answer:
Oups ;pDe toutes façons les réclamations n'étaient viables qu'avec 4 mois de retard... dommage :)
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Will you dare to see what's behind the curtain?
What's for lunch?
I could ask you to vote for your favorite, but if I didn't like the answer, I'd choose not to take care about the vote, so... (hey, this reminds me many things about recent politic) Plus, you already have a voting mission, and it's to vote with the banners on the left :)
Today, I ranked just over (or behind, whatever) "Rabbit" on webcomic list. This strip is made by a crazy french guy and it's certainly one of the most absurd and fun strips I know. I have much respect for it (more than a thousand strips!) and read it since it was sooo little ^^ That's quitte weird (and also a very big honnor) to see my strip on the same level as the one I put on the top of my webcomic link list.
For "the real legend of zelda", google it and watch the 2 episodes in flash. Very nice and fun.