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Tonight feels special. It's the full moon...
I feel like I could do.... anything crazy!
I'm gonna merge some pepsi and some coke!

Cette soirée est spéciale... C'est la pleine lune...
Je sens que je pourrais faire... n'importe quoi !
J'vais mélanger du pepsi et du coca !
NoooooOOOOoonn !!!

Perdu dans l'histoire en cours ? Allez au début de "Ne mélangez pas le Pepsi et le Coca"
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2006-03-06 14:58:22

* Salagir

Link of the day

Prince of Persia half awake in the morning
*[Update!]* The same author finally released a strip with a cameo of MS Girl as herself, in The Informatrix [fr] !

My dream

I will now tell you about a dream I had. I only dream on weekends, as the others nights I sleep very little. So last weekend, I had a premonitory dream about the next episode of Samurai Shamploo (yes, it's the only thing I'm watching now, but don't worry, it's finished). This is usually a good occasion to know 27 episodes of the series instead of 26, as the premonition is nothing like the real episode. The wonderful scenario that comes to my mind at the time can't be used for anything, not even a small part for a Geek's World strip, as it implies the logic we can only accept when very drunk or deeply asleep.
For example early in the morning once, I invented a strip. I was saying in my head "Very good! I need to remember that and draw it!". Except I usually don't remember. So this time I woke up instantly and run to a paper and wrote it. Two seconds after, I was enough awake to read it with a human logic.
"What... the.... hell... is ... that????"
Because I'm way too nice to you, here is the text (from memory):
(ray is coming in the company's flat)
(anyone)- Hey what were you doing in the stairs?
(ray)- I was... playing Soul Calibur!!!
Stairs (Escaliers in fr) / Soul Calibur > pun. Ahahahahaha
After a long time I seem to recall the extraordinary pun was because "escalier" and "Soul Calibur" are so alike (for English only readers: no, they're not)
So that's why now, when I'm half-asleep and think about a super-good strip idea, I don't wake up.

So about Champloo. Here is my lost episode 27 (spoiler, hahahaha).
A Smurf (the blue thing, the Smurf) was doing some cakes and slicing it into parts. He didn't have a usual Smurf hat, but it wasn't one of the ones we know either (like the Handy Smurf or the Baking Smurf). The cake was in fact make of pure gold and it made it difficult to slice it and eating it.
As the Smurf where eating it thought, it became some gold yellow Camembert cheese.
Then, as they needed to fight against the Shamploo cast or I don't know who, a Smurf took a big part of the cake, only the inside of the Camembert, and modelled it as a sphere, and sank a small creature in it.
Then he tossed it as a Pokeball for the creature to attack.
Hu, I think that's all.
You think I can produce the story into an anime? The problem will be to get the rights from Peyo and Nintendo, of course....

Readers comments:

2006-03-06 00:04:29


A l'heure cette fois :p
Boarf, c'est tout ? je rajoute lait, jus d'orange, sirop de fraise et limonade ^^

Mais vive le Coca Cola Pur !
2006-03-06 00:05:29

Canette de Jupiler

Le coca, ca pue, c'est pas libre.
Le pepsi, ca pue, c'est pas libre.
2006-03-06 00:15:20


O_o hey vous pensez que un soir de pleine lune on peut jouer à Zelda sur PS2
2006-03-06 00:24:04


Wah, un lien sur mon blog, je n'avais même pas vu, merci Salagir ^^
(d'ailleurs tu as vu le dernier ? niark niark ^^)
2006-03-06 00:43:04


Moi je dis non à la drogue (ou au sommeil, c'est pareil chez certaines personnes)
2006-03-06 00:59:22


Vive l'open cola! http://www.colawp.com/colas/400/cola467_recipe.html
2006-03-06 04:26:50


"This recipe is licensed under the GNU General Public license. It is "Open Source" Cola, or, if you prefer, "Free" Cola. That means you're free to use this recipe to make your own cola, or to make derivative colas. If you distribute derivative colas, you're expected to send email to the recipe's author, Amanda Foubister (amanda@opencola.com) with your updates. In the future, we expect to have a CVS server up to handle additions, bug-reports, etc."
2006-03-06 04:28:53


Malheureusement imposible de trouver des binaire compilié sur le net :/
2006-03-06 07:54:31


non mais j'ai jamais teste le gout moi
2006-03-06 10:35:55


GPL coke forever !
2006-03-06 11:02:06


le coca c'est bien pour decapé les objets rouiller ^^
2006-03-06 13:42:44


afri-cola=teh sex.

ich mixed coke and pepsi. tastes like river-cola.
2006-03-06 19:00:17


Coke... And pepsi? want's to try
2006-03-06 20:39:38


hmmm... that brings interesting ideas to my mind
2006-03-06 21:47:54


Hmmm, I'm thirsty,
Green: "I don't think you should drink that,It looks bad for you."
Nonsense. It makes me feel great. Smarter. More aggressive.
I feel like I could...
Like I could.. Like I could...

2006-03-07 21:21:04


J'adore son T-shirt ^^
2006-06-17 09:23:10


whats the girl on mikes shirt from?

Salagir's answer:

Nothing in particular
2010-08-14 16:10:22


Ne serais ce pas Sonic lorqu'il a récupéré les 8 émeraude sur le T-shirt,le célèbre Sonic SSJ3

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