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Here is he.

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New in the storyline? Get to the beginning of "DONUT, best hacker in the world"
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2005-02-28 22:37:49

* Salagir

So we are now on the 7th... hum 111st strip. Sorry.
The story is going quite slow, hu? Sorry again, this tribute-ark can only be done the slow way. I don't think I even need to tell from what strip this character comes.

Well, see you later, I have other strips to do ^_^

Readers comments:

2005-03-02 08:05:57


It becomes strange ...
2005-03-02 10:18:00


Tom a un problème avec le garbage collector ? Me dites pas qu'il code en Java !
2005-03-02 17:41:36


Ahah, tu devrais renommer cette bd en CQP world sala :))
2005-03-02 21:34:55


does it comes from "dustman from outer space" or
"Attack of the 50 foot dustman" ???
2005-03-03 11:03:04


Mais non c'est tom bombadil deguise

Salagir's answer:

Hum..... C'est bien possible ! :)
2005-03-03 13:33:47

No Questions, Only Answers

Huh ? It's http://www.dilbert.com/comics/...s/html/character3.html#garbage, no ?

Salagir's answer:

Give the man a cigar! ^_^

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