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I will take revenge on you, who killed my father!
Oh, sorry to disappoint you, but you don't stand a chance anymore. I've learnt powerful techniques since our last encounter. And at the time you were already nothing against me.
I was...
five, back then.
Argh... please...
I know you hate me for... what I did... but...
please write on my grave.. "smelled like sun... flowers"...
Of course.
Tu vas subir ma vengeance, toi qui as tué mon père !
Oh, désolé de te décevoir, mais tu n'as pas une chance contre moi. J'ai appris de puissantes nouvelles techniques depuis notre dernier combat. Et tu étais déjà plus faible que moi !
cinq ans, alors.
Argh... S'il te plait...
Je sais que tu me hais... pour mon crime, mais...
ecris sur ma tombe (en anglais) "smelled like sunflowers"...
Bien sûr.
Readers comments:
(Pas que je veux toujours titiller, mais c'est plus fort que moi ^^)
Le coup de la tombe, cay mal la vengeance post-mortem :p
Salagir's answer:
Je me suis fais avoir par le faux-ami "revenge" en anglais.Falcon
pour brussels, on a eu droit aussi à 2 tours de la ville avant de trouver la sortie. j'ai suivi mon instinct et suis arrivé avec une demie heure de retard à un entretien d'embauche :p
(neverminder nirvana :D)
( ouais à la premiere référence j'avais juste dit que je t'aimais ^^)
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Brussels' absurd maps
I'm Ryoga.I can get lost quite easily, in fact, before going anywhere I must check on a map (I'll keep with me), note every turn and streets' names or I won't ever get where I need to be.
By car, that's worse. Because with speed I can go far from the road I'm supposed to know. And I'm not even talking about highways I can take by mistake. These things bring you very far before you can drive out into an unknown dark city at night. And this was a suburb-to-suburb drive. One time I did in 4 hours something meant to take 30 minutes.
Being in a new city, and a small city (yes, Brussels is small), I thought I could try to know it. So far I have many many benchmarks, and I'm quite happy to say, I didn't get lost much.
That's also because I know myself. In order not to get lost I know what to do: never, never, follow my instinct. My instinct is always wrong. And always urge me to follow it. Like "it soooo sounds like it's that way. That was going down too the other time didn't it? And they are cars. They were indeed cars last time. Soooo this way. Not the other one that looks like it's going nowhere."
Exactly one hour earlier, friends dropped me in some place I was never been but I knew (it's a metro station) and home wasn't far (2 stations away and that mean like 10 minutes). That would be easy, I mean for anyone but me. My instinct said: "Go there! Go over there! That is very logical for some reasons!!!".
I was not far. But I would be if I begin walking in the wrong direction. So I walked to a big map displayed on the corner.
I already knew that most of these maps in Brussels don't have the "you are here" mark on them. I mean, why being useful? But I looked for it anyway, and tryed to recognize the drawing to know where I was, what is the street name to follow... I know quite much the map of the center of the city so that should be easy.
After a little time of speechless stare, I still didn't know what was this map showing. I watched the bottom, were a mini map was, showing the entire town with a square. This square represented the part of the city the big map displayed.
The map in fact showed a part of the city were I wasn't, where it wasn't. Not even a close part close from here, no, far, like on far North, I was East. I would have to walk like 30 minutes to get to the border of this map.
No wonder I would never find a "you are here" mark on this map either...
So I followed the boards for cars that told were the next station was. Keeping going on this road would then take me home. You know these boards you don't really know if they tell you "keep this way to go there" or "turn right to go there".
At the next station, I found 2 maps, one beside the other, showing the good part of the city (at last). Both. I mean, we were close to a border, the second could show another part. But no, the same map, two times separated by one meter. Or maybe they thought many people would want to read the same map at the time?
Anyway, I could check I was in the good direction and was home easily.
I think I lost (huhu) the Ryoga in me.
Talking about Lost, I saw the first episode of season 2, man, that's getting worse and worse.
You can add it to the list of series that begin as interesting and never finish, just following the dreadful path to mediocrity, then cancelled while only the 5 last fan(atics) were watching it.
Lost in SoreThumbs