![Page 92 - U.G. is client again 2 (2005-01-17) - Page 83 of Geek's World [ da page ]](pages/092.png)
I don't like this... thing. Can't we take better clients? Like more human?
Dick, UG is the only client we have!
Didn't we have, like, this Windows guy?
We lost the Windows guy.
The Macs worked, but the Windows didn't, and they specified in the contract that...
You signed a contract asking for Windows to work!? That's absolutly stupid! Windows does not work!
That's not stupid...
Truly, that's stupid.
Je n'aime pas ce... chose. On ne peut pas prendre de meilleurs clients ? Genre... plus humains ?
Dick, U.G. est le seul client qu'on ait !
On avait pas le type avec Windows, là ?
On a perdu le type avec Windows.
Pour- quoi ?
Les Macs marchaient, mais pas les Windows, et le contrat spécifiait que...
T'as signé un contrat qui demandait à ce que des Windows marchent ? C'est totalement con ! Windows ne marche pas !
C'est pas con...
C'est con.
C'est con.
Franchement, c'est con.
Readers comments:
Salagir's answer:
What? No, I don't see any problem :pRaf
ohh you mean BSD part of it... ok :)
Salagir's answer:
No, Macs work for people who can use simple features like "pageup/pagedown" and know how to write "/clear" properly. The problem here is between the screen and the chair :pDwarf007
\ cassssééé hugy !
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