![Page 181 - Company control 4 (2005-08-12) - Page 153 of Geek's World [ da page ]](pages/181.png)
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It seems this wasn't validated by the authorities... this wasn't signed... and that's only good in old regulations.
Dragon Slaaaaave!
Ceci n'a pas été validé par les autorités compétantes... Celui-là n'est pas signé... Et n'est plus régulier depuis 1992.
Alors ?
Dragon Slaaaaave !
New in the storyline? Get to the beginning of "The company control"
Readers comments:
2005-08-12 00:53:41
Tout simplement génial! Belle réference à Slayers.
Du bon boulot Sala ;-)
Du bon boulot Sala ;-)
2005-08-12 01:42:47
Sans déconner Slayers est une oeuvre de jeunesse de Sala avant que son art ne soit mature. On peut en juger sur l'évolution de la qualité de la poitrine de Lina lorsqu'elle est passé de slayers vers GW (on peut remarque les 3 cases ou elle ici est de profile et comparer avec une planche à pain. On est alorssaisi par la différence. On peut remarqué une réel amélioration.
L'évolution de la poitrine de Naga vers celle de Ray est une autre histoire ...
Au fait, nice strip
L'évolution de la poitrine de Naga vers celle de Ray est une autre histoire ...
Au fait, nice strip
Salagir's answer:
Hamster tes commentaires sont rares mais magnifiques à chaque fois ^_^
2005-08-12 10:00:09
I've read all the Geek's Worlds up to now, and they've all been great, but a Slayers reference? You rock!
2005-08-18 10:11:39
A Lina je dit : Bonne réponse :D
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Now, my life.
So I took the train on Monday, and I discovered that a demon of luck and a demon of bad luck fell on me on that day.
First was the demon of luck, who gave me a 1st class ticket, and chair on a four-guys-around-a-table emplacement. These 2 conditions are needed if you want an access to an electric outlet. Plus, we were only 2 here. So I could use my laptop without bothering anyone. The outlet was needed because my laptop got only 3 minutes worth of batteries. Even more, I had my wifi card with me.
So I pluged the electricity. No power. I pluged it to another outlet. Still none. I feared my power transformer was dead (found out later at home it's not). Well, I least I could try the wifi on a train, never did that. I have only 2 minutes...
No wi-fi.
The stewardess comes by. I ask: "-Excuse me... does the power work here?" "-Well, it should." "-Okaaay... shouldn't there also be a wifi access ?" "-Not on every train." "-Nice... (closing the laptop). Any other surprise?" "-Hum, we're very sorry, but there isn't enough meals for everyone..."
I don't want to eat, I want my maiiiiils !
Irc quote of the day
<%Tomgoku> selon les statistiques, SalaAw devient Salagir entre 9h45 et 10h :)
I'm being watched.