![Page 176 - The Stupid Troll (2005-08-01) - Page 3 of Misc [ da page ]](pages/176.png)
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I may be stupid, but at least no one ever tryed to steal my treasure!
Chui ptet con mais au moins personne n’a essayé de voler mon trésor !
Readers comments:
2005-08-01 03:08:58
Oddly funny. haha
2005-08-01 12:17:24
En ce moment, le premier bouton de vote (WCL) passe la bannière de GW.
Celle-la pour être précis : http://www.geeksworld.org/imgs/ban-180-350.2.gif
Je la connaissais pas. Elle est géniale. J'adore. :))
Celle-la pour être précis : http://www.geeksworld.org/imgs/ban-180-350.2.gif
Je la connaissais pas. Elle est géniale. J'adore. :))
2005-08-02 04:27:29
Sad sad sad. Bill Gates is the 5th most evil being in existance, the devel just beating him for the number 4 spot, with China still in third. Top 2 is a tye between Terorists and Michle Jackson.
2005-11-12 05:07:22
Arokh Fithos
So true in so many ways
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The technical documentation where the images come from. Note it contains "no part of this document may be reproduced" ;p