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Justice is done.
We can come back.
Is that a head you're holding?
Well, you all did nicely. I think I'll become a regular client.
We've got a client!!
I said... is that a head you're holding?

Justice est faite.
Nous pouvons rentrer.
C'est une tête que tu tiens ?!
Bien, vous avez été efficaces. Je pense que je vais devenir client.
On a un client!!
J'ai demandé... est-ce une tête que tu tiens ?

New in the storyline? Get to the beginning of "Meeting Ultimate Goodness"
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2004-09-29 00:16:03

* Salagir

Tired... ill maybe... but at least I've got a job!

I don't think I'll have time for 3 strips per week anymore.

Readers comments:

2004-09-29 13:39:11


Strips are like sex, it's better when it's three
2004-09-29 13:41:07


Putain, Salagir a un boulot, va falloir que je m'y mettes là ;-)
2008-02-20 07:21:04


first thing that came to my mind was "lol he got head" damn you teenage hormones!!

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