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(Background music: Soul Calibur 2)
Heard you're making a start-up?
Yup. Wanna be in?
Don't ask him! He's a psycho!
I sure do. A start-up is a good beginning...
To take over the world!....
I call that good spirit

(Musique de fond: Soul Calibur 2)
Il paraît que vous lancez une start-up ?
Ouais. Tu veux en être ?
Lui propose pas ! C'est un psychopathe!
Ca m'intéresse! Une start-up C'est un bon début ...
Pour conquérir le monde !....
J'te l'ai dis.
Au moins il en veut

New in the storyline? Get to the beginning of "Geek's World creation"
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2004-06-17 23:12:56

* Salagir

Welcome on this new webcomic!
I hope you'll like it, talk about it to your friends, link it from your blog, use your own money to put an ad in your local newspaper, gather people in here, give me a high google pagerank! ^^
The nice head on the left that could be mine (if I was in 2D and that cool) was drawed by Rachid. We make another comic together (see links).
For IE users, yes, the page looks ugly. No, I won't change that point. I'll only accept (positive) criticism from people using a real browser. We're among geeks after all.

Readers comments:

2005-09-16 01:04:24


Indeed it is a good way to take over the world. . . . I mean look at Bill Gates.
2007-09-05 15:32:43


Deuxieme en 2007 lol
2007-09-08 02:08:27


Treuz en 2007
2008-02-07 21:46:42


Bah preums en 2008,alors... ^^
2009-01-08 18:16:30


First en 2009 !
2010-03-28 14:43:39


La classe un entretien d'embauche en jouant a des jeux videos... je veux en faire passer.
2010-04-17 07:27:06

son goku

seven en 2010
2010-04-17 07:28:07

son goku

2012-05-16 23:40:16


En fait quand on y pense dick c'est le seul personnage qui a eut le meme comportement depuis le début :O

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