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You accepted his offer? You don't even know this guy! We're all doomed!
Stop here, boy. You don't have my experience. I can judge a guy.
You don't even know if that guy as any skills!
Yes he has skills. I recognized him. he is the man who killed the chief of my clan 38 years ago. He is insanely skilled.
38 years ago?
I was a child back then.
This guy is in his twenties...

Vous avez accepté ? Vous le connaissez même pas ! On va tous mourir !
Tais-toi gamin. Tu n'as pas mon expérience. Tu ne sais juger.
Vous ne savez même pas si ce type est fort !
Il est fort. Je l'ai reconnu. C'est lui qui a tué le chef de mon clan il y a 38 ans. Il est très très fort.
Il y a 38 ans ?
Je n'étais qu'un enfant.
Ce type a dans les 20 ans à peine...

New in the storyline? Get to the beginning of "Donut's interrogation - Red Panther Claw"
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2006-05-12 00:33:17

* Salagir

La Tour de Ball

... is another audio saga. In french, yes.
It's about a group of baddies, a nice change. And their proud opponent... a crazy Paladin, always drunk and ready to make the worsts puns ! :)

Webcomic Alphabetical List

Because it takes me some time to write this, you know?

Little Gamers : 3/5 well you all know it?.. no? Gaming webcomic.
Some selected : one, two, three
all archive

Mac Hall : 4/5 College webcomic going to young workers comic. Art very good.

Maliki : 5/5 Yes it's your turn ! You may remember my fan art for her. Cats, joy, perfect art, and cats!!!
http://www.maliki.com/ [fr]

MegaTokyo : oh my... I'm too tired to speak about this case now. Another time !

Moderately Confused : 3/3 quite fun
latest 30

Readers comments:

2006-05-15 00:02:06


Il est 00h01 et pas de dessin non mais vraiment quelle laissez aller!!!! XD
2006-05-15 00:49:18


Je veux mon Link ! Je veux mon Link ! Je veux mon Link je veuuuux [...] Je veux mon Link user was been muted

Edit de mouha ! ; tu fais refenrence à qui là ? serais-ce du Karaté kid ? pasque le coup du maitre qui dit que le maitre c'est fais buté me fais penser à ça :D
2006-05-15 02:44:38


mort de rire ALLEZ LE HULK :D
2006-05-15 08:53:36


quel boulet le chef des yakuza :p
2006-05-15 09:13:42


I don't know if you can edit this now, but you spell 'juge' judge. just wanted to point that out :-)
2006-05-15 17:33:44


normal qu'il savait pas quel age il avait, il a tout le temps les yeux fermés...et quand il les ouvres attention au carnage ^^

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