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You have the master sword. You can fight Ganon now.
Half of my inventory is empty, many places in my menu for items to get, among of them is a triforce, all empty. I couldn't enter in many places, I have 7 heart on 20, and I go beat Ganon?
Hu yes.
Fight Ganon?
After only 10 hours of game?
Well yeah...
AHAhahahahaha Too easy!
I knew it.

Tu as l'épée magique. Tu es prêt pour combattre Ganon maintenant.
J'ai la moitié de mon inventaire vide, plein d'emplacements d'objets à récupérer dont une triforce, vide. J'ai plein de lieux où ne j'ai pas pu entrer, j'ai 7 coeurs sur 20, et je vais me faire Ganon ?
Ben oui.
Combattre Ganon ?
Après 10 heures de jeu ?
Oui, oui...
AHAhahahahaha Trop facile !
Je le savais.

  [ «« ]    [ « ]  Page 433/1151   [ » ]    [ »» ]
2007-03-20 23:47:38

* Salagir


I've been reading Scott Adams blog for some time now (err, sorry for googlealerting you again. By the way, I receive an alert 3 times a week now, for my nick. I swear google made this on purpose), and he talks much about "free will", and more generally, what causes our actions and such.
We have the same theory, as each individual is 100% made by his past and I'd even add, with infinite computing capabilities, we could predict all his future actions. Therefore, no free will. But on this subject I will speak another time.

As the title says, I want to talk about opinions. What make you for or against abortion, or Bush, or video games? What make you stick to a particular religion? Answer : a very little from the shape of your brain, and very very much from your background. For exemple, I've never seen an Indouist turning Christian before he ever heard of other religions. How strange is that, when so many people said God talked to tham and converted them??? But on religion I will speak another time.

As I said, background. Someone living in Texas as a farmer has 99.9% more chances to be pro-guns-for-everyone than someone from Japan. Clearly this is not an opinion neither or the two got wholy by himself, after thinking about it a long time.
You will answer : "well of course, people are easily influenced!" My point is we're all 100% fucking influenced! Even if you try not too, it's impossible to look at a situation without all the bad data and prejudice distilled into you.

Here is a situation. A thief gets in your house and you're in the same room as him. What do you think is better? A friend of mine said, grab your rifle, and shoot near him to scare him to death. Or shoot him. Whatever.
I answer, I would never have a rifle home. Even in this situation I would never want one! I'd rather yell very hard, grab an ashtray and attack him (I would never have an ashtray either), or use my jedi powers, and being beaten a hard time. In any case, I would never add a lethal weapon to any confrontation.
What is your opinion? In fact, don't anwser that. I judged that my and his opinion where the same as ... our parents'.
Now for some out-of-my-hat statistics. 93% of people who know someone who were killed by mistake in such a situation with a gun are on my side. 84% of people who know someone who were killed by a thief are on my friend's side. 100% of the thieves are on my side ;) I'm sure you believe in these invented statistics and agree if these people had the opposite experience, they'd be in the opposite stat bar.
Not many people can say, ok, keeping a loaded gun in the drawer is responsible for the death of my whole family but I still think it's a good think to keep a loaded gun in the drawer.
Just as of course, a drunk driver killed my wife and son, but I drive while drunk... to forget the pain (damn, that may happen). Do people who drive uncarefully ever had a very big accident ? Nope.

This is for big events giving you an opinion. Now small events, well, it's called cultural boundings. Most of people think the same as their familly and area. And young who want to be a rebel just think the same as someone on TV.

My conclusion, is by knowing the fact you didn't choose by yourself to have an opinion, by knowing it was given to you, you should also understand that in many situations it can be simply a very bad opinion.

So, tolerate (I don't even say consider) other people opinions. This doesn't mean you can't give you view and try to tell them they're wrong, just... don't try too hard, sometimes.

Readers comments:

2007-03-23 00:01:11


C'est moi qui preums pasque c'est du Zelda et pasque j'sais que y'a du Zelda depuis maintenant 4 mois !
En effet, c'est pour me consoler de la sorti de Satan aujourd'hui même vous serez donc banni à toute annonce de la dite console de Satan (ou Sony pour les intimes), Salagir je t'aime toi et ton Ganon raté ! - J'ferais un Fan Art pour te remercier et t'auras un 100 balles et mars ! -
2007-03-23 00:01:28


Mouahaha je deuz le strip Zelda chuis trop Kawaï x)

Je fais un Chi Fu Mi avec Mazzu et je mange Order Sol à Jawaii.

Allez, vivement le guest strip de 13Kill le vieux louche :)

Hé, 13Kill, j'te souhaite un bon PS3day :P
2007-03-23 00:08:53


noo a la ps3!wii a la wii!
2007-03-23 00:11:10


Je viens de récupérer un Commodore 64... c'est marqué dans le manuel que c'est le meilleur ordinateur au monde alors rangez vos Wii, PS3 et autres shitbox 360 :-)

Vivement le strip tout de même ^ ^
2007-03-23 00:14:40


Mon dieu, ca devient de pire en pire, mes scores a divers geeks testes augmentent continuellement, je m'inscrit en fac d'info, et voila a present que je deviens un habitué de l'image d'attente de GsW...
2007-03-23 00:44:38


oulah...du zelda?

le 13kill il va enfin arreter de nous casser les couilles alors? :)
2007-03-23 01:32:20


Ca se voit que ce n'est pas ray qui joue, 10 h pour un zelda c'est bien trop long.

Salagir's answer:

C'est moi qui joue :) A hauteur de ~3 heures par semaine.
2007-03-23 06:29:42


Zelda ?
Link couuuurssss, et prends la clé ^^
(fort boyard inside ^^)
2007-03-23 07:53:26


Si j'ai bien compris, c'était pas Ray qui jouait ?
Sacrilège ! >.<
2007-03-23 08:05:29


ha ha ha Own3d sur bashfr ! digne d'un Caius celle-là :')
2007-03-23 08:09:22


Peuh, si Ray jouait, il aurait même pas eu besoin de 4 coeurs pour botter le cul de Ganon.

(Et un strip Play3, non ?)

Salagir's answer:

En fait cest une cinématique à ce moment, on ne peut pas essayer nous même, on fonce sur lui et il nous tappe, on a pas de contrôle.
Mais Ray est tellement balèze que si ca se trouve lui...
Non, lui il aurai défoncé Ganon dès le début, là où tu te fais chopper par l'oiseau dans la forteresse.
2007-03-23 16:16:07


Ray, il se fait le Ganondort dans les Oracle of Age/Saisons avec 3 coeurs, l'épée niveau 1, l'anneau qui diminue ta puissance par 4 (et multiplie ta défense par 4)...
2007-03-23 17:51:42


Je dirait bien que de souvenirs lointains.... mais j'ai emprunté wind waker à un copain lorske j'ai acheté ma wii et donc je l'ai fini il y a 1 moi seulement donc ces souvenirs ne soint pas si lointains... Ma vie vous intéresse? Je vous conseille skyblog.com
2007-03-23 18:26:58


Au fait dans the minish cap c'est quoi le maximum de coeur? j'en ai deux rangées

Salagir's answer:

Je pense que c'est deux rangées de 10, comme d'habitude.
2007-03-23 19:18:48


@ShiroiRyu= Y'a pas que Ray qui peut faire ça...

2007-03-23 20:47:34


Salagir est sur la dernière quote de bashfr, quelle classe :D
2007-03-23 22:47:42

Waren 2.5

César : Bin oui, il y a aussi sa soeur
2007-03-23 22:50:06


@Waren 2.1: je pensais à moi.'--
2007-03-24 00:05:24


Mouarf! :D
J'avoue que c'était pas très dur comme défi...^^

M'apprendra à voir petit. :s
2007-03-24 19:05:26


"Salagir: tu te connectes en quoi?
Nicolas: en root
Salagir: ...pour l'aventure ?"
Vu sur bashfr.Org.

Rassure moi Salagir,c'est pas toi qui a sortis un truc aussi "pas" drole?C'est quelqu'un qui a voulu te faire du tort hein?

Salagir's answer:

Quoi, elle est super cette blague ! [url=imgs/En Route Pour l'Aventure.mp3](Ta, tinlintin !)[/url]
2007-03-25 03:15:10


Ca me rappelle le jeu Banga -_-
2007-03-25 15:13:22


Salagir, ta chanson me fait peur.

Salagir's answer:

Tintinlintin Powa ! Explication en images : En route pour l'aventure
J'pense bien que ca te fais penser à Banga Souma !
2007-03-25 18:41:32


Salagir, ca pourrait presque penser à une musique d'une série MP3 comme Naheulbeuk ou alors le générique d'une très vieux DA et chanté par Bernard Minet...:p
2007-04-09 14:55:16


Dsl chuis un peu en retard dins nouvelles mais en passant la nouvelle version du site elle est top good

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