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Bakery / Pastry Shop
Boy you're gorgeous! You should work in the movie industry!
...with that kind of muscles ...
Let me hire you to play as a super hero.
I'll pay you ten millions!
Why not?
Chichi's gonna be happy.
Are you sure he is a super hero?
He can't fly faster than 6 000 mph...
He can't even win against Kulilin, he...
Suuure he can!

Mais vous êtes superbe! Vous devriez faire du cinéma...
...avec les muscles et tout ...
Je vous propose de jouer le rôle d'un super-héros.
Je vous donne 10 millions!
Pourquoi pas!
Chichi va être contente.
Vous êtes sûr que c'est un super-héros?
Il ne vole pas à plus de 10 000Km/h...
Il ne tient pas longtemps face à Krilin, il...
Mais si! Mais si!

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2006-01-12 00:02:53

* Salagir

Don't answer here : I don't want to hear, even with a proof, that Supes can actually fly real faster that 6000mph, that he could in no way be beaten by Krilin, etc...

To begin with, Supes' powers changed like ten times more that any shonen average hero. I've read threads on the net about pre-crisis superman and such... I never knew much about him, well, he gots more "forms" that any Saiyan ! :)
Of course. That's bound to happen when a super heros lived for many decades, when Goku did only one.

To finish with, what's stated here is only Gokuu's point on view, and not any Gokuu. Gokuu from a fan comic and so not even Tori's Gokuu or Toei's Goku point of view. Give your reclamations to him, at gokuu-of-the-superhero-comic-by-holken-and-salagir@users.capsule.corp . Hu, I don't think this address is valid in our world.
And the producer don't even agree :)

Stay tuned for GsW back on monday

Readers comments:

2006-01-13 07:45:00


Huhu :) Mais je préfère les strips Geek's World ^^
2006-01-13 08:39:04


Yep, where's our "quite-daily" Geek's World strip :(
2006-01-13 14:22:46


Dragon Ball is for kids and n00bs =.=
2006-01-13 14:53:22

Tro|| habitué

Dragonball, ca pue, c'est pas libre
2006-01-13 16:17:20


"héros", pas "héro" (en haut à droite, case du dessus, en français) :)
2006-01-13 17:03:18


Nice comic, not the ussual one, but still nice tho =)
2006-01-13 17:16:59


Oh, please ! When Superman made that cataclysm not have happened so that Lois would not have been dead anymore, he flew around the Earth several times a second ! Of course he can... Errr... Why are you looking at me like that ?
2006-01-14 02:31:55


6 cases et en couleurs... et avec en plus du fan service(sous vetements rouge, seins nus), Sala tu nous gates.
2006-01-14 23:38:57


Inikisha: "héros", pas "héro"
oups, je ferai attention la prochaine fois que j'écris moi-même les textes :/
2006-01-15 01:15:40


Je t'avais dit que je te ferai de la pub, c'est fait !
T'es publié dans les LIDD de PCInpact :)

Salagir's answer:

C'est cool, merci !
Ca m'a permis en passant de découvrir ces Liens Idiots Du Dimanche
Tu m'a amené... 1500 visiteurs à ce jour !!! °_° Merci encore ! ^^
2006-01-15 01:29:21


Super Sangoku vole à la rescousse de tout les Geeks du monde !!!!!
et à quand un Super Link? :(

Salagir's answer:

Super Sangoku, le Super Super Saiyen ?
2006-01-15 20:09:08


Biensur :) et Super Link le super Hylien !!!! _ avec un costume moulant et tout et tout bave partout
2006-01-15 22:19:35


Moi je dis qu'une fréquentation pareille ca mérite un autre strip "nude lina" ^^
ou bien avec la MS Girl :P

Salagir's answer:

Si je fais pas trop ma loque, vous aurez un beau fan service cette semaine ou la prochaine :) Mais pas de nu.
2007-08-28 06:01:46


Don't mean to be "rude" or anything but Salagir,man its Kurrirn I know it sounds like Kulilin but..No :X

Salagir's answer:

The problem with japanese characters names is everybody uses his own romanji syntax, including the author. I'll take the author's view. This image is from the first chapter on Namek. It's in the manga too. For the same reason I don't use "Buruma" but Bulma (written on her clothes in the first chapter).

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