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2005-04-01 01:04:23

* Salagir

Yes, it's a Dead Sala Day again, and on the usual place for Dragon Hell, no less !
Well, the only thing I had were some pictures I made while on vacation, for a fanfic I write. Yes I know....
The background is from the anime DBZ, I put away the Freezer who was on foreground and changed the colors 'cause it was originally planet Namek and green sky was weird.

Why didn't I released the 15th page of Dragon Hell, which is in fact almost done? Well, believe me or not, to have the best of these only two last pages that are missing, I had to not release them so soon. The fact is... I'm very late.

Why I am very late? It's simple. First was nothing. Then the big-bang, then God created the Earth, the sky, the plants, the neo-cons, the animals, Stallone, the sea, and Men. Not necessarily in that order. Then Men created God, the circle is now complete, as said Darth Vader to Obi-one.
And remember that is the IVth episode, Darth wasn't a title but Vader's firstname. Which explains everything: God's name cannot be used in vain and therefore we call Him by his title. It's in fact quite a luck that in monotheism, there is only one God :p. If there were many, we couldn't get away with just the title.
Okay now I think I just lost all my believers readers, I'll just go to bed.

Oh, and the image for the vote doesn't work much lately (no rank), but the vote still works. Plus, new month, the votes were reseted, so the race re-begin!

Readers comments:

2005-04-01 01:00:55


*Grrrrmmmbbllmmrrffffrrmmm !!!!*
And what are doing Early Sayans on Planet Namek ?

Salagir's answer:

Ah bah oui mais là tu cherches: j'étais en train d'écrire mon commentaire pendant que tu postais le tiens ! ;p
2005-04-03 09:15:52


no comment.
2011-03-24 23:46:47


Marrant, un commentaire et demi en six ans...

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