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Collaborate in comics with people you never met
Dragon Ball Multiverse : after 100 pages, the two authors still didn’t know each other.
I had no idea what he looked like. We talked by phone once... after about 50 pages.
Img : First time we ever met

We were talking on the same DBZ forum.
Find others in common interest sites, not necessary about comics.
>> Meet on common interest site

I’ve been putting my fanfictions about DBZ on my site. I’ve already make several other comics.
He had one comic and many drawings on his site.
So when he wanted to do something bigger, he asked me to make a story. He knew I had experience. And I knew he was good, because I’ve seen his work.
How to know the other is good: show your work. Show you can produce a lot of it.
>> Show your work

Only contacted by mail. Use skype for “meetings”.
>> Talk by mail, by skype...

Use the power of internet - And 2010 tools
Warning! Some people still don’t know to use internet.
No, really. Young ones.
I spend a very long time explaining tools to the newbies.

Transfer files with adapted services
Don’t mail big pages. Mail is NOT for that (invented in 1972 - 42yo).
Transfer files with everything : i use FTP, but there are many services now for big files. Dropbox, etc.
Be organised so that you know what file is new (look at dates).
Because artists aren’t organized !

Google Drive and collaboration, suggestion
=> share (scenario, previews, characters sheets...)
=> people can suggest a different word, and you decide

Talk with skype, IMs, hangout, mail...
BUT don’t talk all the time, don’t get distracted, and for this reason... NO facebook! (g+ you can, nobody’s there)

Use crowdsourcing
Get people to do things you can’t :
get a webmaster, banner creator
Recognition : these guys are your friends and will do it for free because they like your comic.
Always give them the news first, cite them in your comic, make them feel useful and that you care.

Readers :
make them share, post on forums, etc

Careful : you are now a manager.
You’re going to smoke cigars and fire people (that’s what they do)

Traduction collaborative
Get readers to translate your Comics

Use Amilova.com tools
(sorry for the self-promotion: but we’re actually the only one to do that)

No language is widespread :
people don’t speak much english in many countries
especially the youngs
and most will still prefer to read in their native language

Dragon Ball Multiverse in Polish, Arabic, Japanese, and Latin... because we can!
Be organized
Write down the changes decided by voice (like professionals)

Send all steps of the page: layout, draft...
Show the drafts BEFORE inking...

Scenarist :
Send scenario with details, avoid surprises
The cartoonist isn’t in your head.
Goscinny: cuts pages in equal panels, and use them
Describe a lot, or else...
Exemple “looking up” de no softly, ce que je pensais et ce qu’il a fait.

Have fun !
Because if you intend to hate your job, at least take one that pays.

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2015-02-28 18:35:07

* Salagir

Talk in Lodz Festival

The talk I gave there : International Festival of Comics and Games in Lodz
See strip 1073 for more informations.

On next week, you'll see my second talk.

Pas de version française ! Désolé, beaucoup trop de texte à traduire...

I leave the image that links Marlboro cigarettes and Jeff for two more weeks :)

Readers comments:

2015-03-01 00:16:55


I think you have more french reader in geek-world , (kill the pussy )

Salagir's answer:

It is the case, but the presentation was done in english, all my notes were in english.
And you're all geeks with perfect english :)
2015-03-01 12:02:22

Duky Duke

You like drawing boobs and we want more boobs that the true reason of success!

PS: vraiment sympas cette petite parenthèse !
2015-03-01 15:13:35


Approximately zero knowledge of French here, so I am grateful for all the English I can get.^^"
2015-03-03 12:49:53


Inedide, oui guiksse are perfecte ine inegliche. Oui donte nide some freinche version.

Salagir's answer:

Tu t'es trahi, la formulation est très à l'aise, avec son début en "Indeed" :)
2015-03-03 15:24:35


"Use crowdsourcing : Translation" or how to illustrate "Do what I said but not what I do" ^^ (Tu devais au moins t'attendre a un troll sur cette phrase !)

Salagir's answer:

Ben en fait, DBM est énormément traduit grâce aux autres, et j'ai maintenant de l'aide sur l'anglais dans les autres BDs (quand les gens veulent bien).
En fait je vois pas où tu veux en venir.
2015-03-04 00:29:48


« Separate the versions, don't mix the comments » Oui, comme ici, quoi… :D

Salagir's answer:

Exactement, c'était une erreur de ma part. GsW est aussi mon premier site de BD en ligne :)
2015-03-05 06:20:51


Je faisais référence au fait que cette page soit en anglais uniquement, comme pour le commentaire de Guenhwyvar, c'est le contraire de ce que tu dis de faire ;o) (oui je sais cette page n'est pas une BD, etc...)

Salagir's answer:

C'est pas parce que j'aimerai avoir des traducteurs dispos partout que j'en ai !
J'ai un mal fou à trouver de l'aide, surtout sur les longues traductions, comme les chapitres de fanfic ou cette page.

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